Hospice Care
Do you know someone who…
- Is diagnosed with a life limiting illness?
- Is no longer able to live alone/ without assistance?
- has an elderly caregiver who is struggling?
- has rapidly deteriorating health?
- is in and out of the hospital?
- is having trouble getting to the doctor?
- has frequent trips to the emergency room?
- is falling?
- is losing weight?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then it may be time to have a talk about how hospice can help you. Let’s start the conversation here:
What is hospice care?
Contrary to what some may believe, hospice is not a place where people go to die. In fact, hospice is not a place at all. Rather, it is a level of care for patients and their families as they face a life-limiting diagnosis.
How can hospice help?
Patients have access to high-quality care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The goal of our services is to help patients maintain an alert, pain-free life so their days are spent with dignity and quality, surrounded by their loved ones. Our team is available to help coordinate care for you or a loved one in a home, the home of a family member, at an assisted living facility, a personal care home, a skilled nursing facility or a hospital setting.
Who pays for hospice?
Hospice bills directly to Medicare, Medicaid and/or private insurance. These benefits typically cover the total cost of all aspects of hospice care including hospice-related medicine, equipment and supplies.
What if I Get Better?
Fortunately there are times when patients improve and no longer require hospice care. Patients simply discharge from hospice and they resume their normal medical care.
What if I Change My Mind?
When someone elects hospice care, they choose comfort care rather than curative treatments. At anytime during the course of hospice care, you may decide to change your mind and pursue curative treatment and you can choose to discontinue hospice care.
What if My Loved One Lives Longer Than 6 Months?
Patients can be on hospice for more than 6 months as long as they continue to qualify for coverage. Patients are reevaluated every 2-3 months, to determine if they are still eligible for hospice care. Hospice care will continue to be provided as long as a patient qualifies. However, if a patient’s condition or prognosis improves and they are no longer eligible, they will be discharged from hospice. Patients may always come back on hospice if they become eligible at a later time.
Ready For Hospice?
A doctor must provide a hospice referral, but we can help you with that process, as well as evaluate you or your loved one to determine appropriateness for hospice.
You can call us at 818-279-6580 to coordinate an evaluation for hospice care.