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» About Us » Our Team » Board of Directors » Sean Markie

Sean Markie

Sean Markie

Sean Markie President, Chairman

Sean has been a creative problem solver and a natural salesman his whole life. He joined a political campaign at age 18 as office manager and traveled the country fighting for clean air, drug policy reform, and equitable access to afterschool programs.

Nearly a decade later, he joined the healthcare industry, fast becoming known as “the guy who takes on impossible cases.” Passionate about expanding resources to underserved low-income seniors, Sean founded successful healthcare agencies, assisted with the credentialing and growth of medical practices, and launched nonprofit organizations focusing on senior care as well as children services.

The culmination of his efforts occurred in 2015 with Helping Hands Senior Foundation. Originally grassroots, HHSF can now currently assist 500-600 clients monthly with a monthly budget of about $100,000, helping with essential resources for housing, care, food, transportation, medical services, safety at home and more.